My favorite books of 2024

And why being a people pleaser makes rating books too painful.

Last year, I read 75 books, and these were my favorites, in no particular order:

A weird thing about me is that I can’t give a book less than a three star rating. I feel bad that the author might see my rating or review and be sad. So if I don’t love a book, or don’t finish a book, I just don’t rate it.

Similarly, when I was younger and had iTunes on my computer, I would sort the songs by number of listens and play all the songs with the fewest listens…I didn’t want them to feel unloved.

My goal for 2025? I’m not sure.

I have found that I spend the last few days of the year stress reading to meet my goal. It’s not great for family holiday bonding.

What’s on your “to read” list this year?


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