5 ways to use ChatGPT to save time and money
When to use AI and when to hire a human
Are you all of a sudden expected to be a ChatGPT expert? Maybe you’ve been encouraged to stop using freelancers and start using AI? Or perhaps you're looking for ways to cut costs and expedite content production.
I bet you're feeling stressed right now trying to pivot your content creation. (Wouldn’t it be nice if ChatGPT also gave back rubs?)
After all, you've got a compelling content strategy to execute, deadlines to meet and business goals to hit. And now you have to learn about robots too?
But content is king (queen), and you've got to keep producing and publishing to stay in front of your audience.
AI is super handy for saving time and filling in gaps where the budget is thin.
How can you use ChatGPT to create content?
Brainstorm content topics
Craft headlines
Develop article outlines
Break creative blocks
Draft internal emails and policies
Write press releases
But AI doesn't work for certain types of content.
Why not? For now, AI doesn't understand the nuances of relationships, and it lacks the human emotion that connects people to your brand. It's also biased. Would you hire a writer that wrote racist or sexist content? Then don't let ChatGPT get away with it, either.
Someday, the machine will likely learn to overcome these hurdles. But for now, use a human writer for:
People-centered storytelling
Editing to remove bias
Generating content that needs an interview: curiosity and relationship building
Adding emotion and empathy to content
Interviewing other humans to draw out their story
People are uniquely good at connecting—we're wired to seek relationships as soon as we're born. For now, let AI do the rote work that doesn't require empathy. And save your budget and energy for adding a human touch to your content.
Whoop it up with ChatGPT for all your technical and business-based communications. But when you need content about a sensitive subject (like people), LET ME WRITE IT FOR YOU.
From people profiles to email newsletters to award nominations, I got you.
It's my number one priority (and superpower) to approach your content with empathy and respect so you can be cherished by employees, sought after by talent and loved by consumers.
Send me a message to get started.
Why being a people pleaser makes rating books painful.